Northeast Ohio ISSA August 2019
Reduce the Gap Between Tools And Your Strategy
presented by ASMGi
What If There Was A Way To Develop Your Cyber Program Such That:
· The business understands what, when and why you’re are implementing solutions.
· You can represent what an appropriate budget is for the enterprise, versus being told “how much” budget you’ll get to protect the organization.
· Each implemented solution achieved a return on its own, AND worked well with current solutions and contributed to a larger eco-system (whole is greater than the sum of the parts.)
This presentation discusses how a Holistic Approach to Cyber Security encompasses a total solution that includes People, Process, Technology, Program, and SecOps. We will review a way of thinking about The Holistic Security Mindset. that includes the Total Solution of People + Process + Technology. You will also see how a Risk-Based approach can be aligned with your business.
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